Home remedies

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

ChannaPapu Kobbari(channa Dal with coconut)


ChannaDal  :  1cup
Coconut Grated : 1/4cup
Green chilies :  1no
Salt  :  to tatse

Tadka / Talimpu

Oil / ghee             :  1tbsp
Mustard seeds      :  1tsp
Cumin Seeds        :  1tsp
Urad Dal : 1tsp2   : finely chopped
dried red chilli       :  2no
Onion(small)        :  1no
curry leaves  
garlic cloves(minced)  :  3no

Procedure : 

  • Soak the dal in water for about 15 minutes.
  • Add little salt and half of the turmeric powder to it and boil on medium heat for about 15 minutes or till the lentils are soft but not mussy.
  • In a separate pan heat the oil. When oil is hot enough add  ingredients in this order. First add mustard and cumin seeds,  garlic and dried red chilies, urad dal and curry leaves and  toast.add the chopped onion and fry till light brown 
  • Then add the grated coconut and fry for couple of mins. Now add the cooked channa Dal and cook for a min and turn off heat.


  1. Wow the curry looks very yummy love the clicks.

  2. looks great like the addition of coconut

  3. Great combination of chana dal with coconuts. Loved the clicks dear.

    Hamaree Rasoi

  4. Comfy n delicious- the clicks are really tempting!
    Long time dear- how r you, glad to see your post :)

    US Masala

  5. Yummy looking dry veggie fry. Nice recipe... YUM!

  6. Thats a great looking curry, inviting..

  7. Hi dear,how r u?
    Delicious and yummy,love the combo

  8. Ooooooooooooh yummy, I remember mom preparing this and us enjoying, love the version and pictures.

    Hey, as you live in US, I was wondering if you saw about "MAITRI - A Friendship Chain" event. If not, please do take a look and try to participate, it will be fun :)


    Send me an email @ priya.mitharwal@gmail.com

  9. Dear Guna
    How are you? Here after a long time. The Chana dal recipe is so new for me!! Just cant wait to try it in a day or two.
    Let me see what all dishes I have missed.
    Have a nice day

  10. looks absolutely delicious..so soft, well cooked and just loved the colour. Lovely pic.

  11. Lovely dal... Loved i.. Simple yet tasty dish..
